Mickey Strand - Veterans Series
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Mickey is a retired Navy Photographers Mate, Chief Petty Officer, and was the Leading Chief of the Navy's elite Combat Camera Group Pacific. He served for 24 years on Active Duty.
The Veterans Portrait Series documents Veteran's stories of service, focused currently on our Greatest Generation, The Veterans of World War II.
Mickey interviews each Veteran collecting and writing their Legends to remember these amazing historic figures for generations to come. Mickey has collected and displayed images and stories from over 100 warriors who at one point signed the dotted line when our country needed their sacrifice of service most.
Mickey would love to keep you up to date on news about the project. Rarely more then one email per month.
To help fund the Veterans Portrait Series
Please use the GoFundMe Link below.
or Feel free to EMAIL Mickey to discuss helping the project.
We are looking into a US mobile tour. Stay tuned!
Google Reviews can also help promote the project.