Cal Vet - Chula Vista 2023 - 1&2

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Veterans Portrait Series News

Keep in touch with the news and stories about the Veterans Portrait Series.

Cal Vet - Chula Vista 2023 - 1&2

I was asked to return to the California Veterans Home in Chula Vista again this year.  My first visit was the second year of what woule become the Veterens Portrat Serise back in 2018. I never could have dreamed the project would take the road it has been on. 

We meet and had a meeting to talk about the scope of this years work.  We made arrangements to first capture six WW2 Veterans who had not participated in the shoot back in 2018.  This was supper exciting for me.  Six in one day that was like they say "fish in a barrel."  

I was also asked if I was statring to capture Korean War Veterans, as the population at Calvet Chula Vista had grown and the home was looking to update the display prints that were still hanging in the lobby from our first shoot back in 2018.  We scheduled a week for the shoot becuse they thought they might have up to 30 Korean War veterns who might like to participate.  I returned and we shot for three days and captured many veterans who served durring the Korean War in deployments all over the world.

Cal Vet came out durring the Korean War vet shoot and has done a story about the days on site.  They have reliced it on their news web site The Connect.  Here is a link to it on their web site.  PICTURE THIS: PORTRAITS OF KOREAN WAR ERA VETERANS TO GRACE CHULA VISTA HOME writen by Jeff Jardine and his photographer Anna.

Some BTS images from the shoot from my good frind adn new Cal Vet helper and former shipmate Bill Purcell thanks for all your help Bill. 

getting a good angle 
my photo yoga pose.
What great stories these veternas shared 
all take a helping hadn where ever I can get it. 
A couple of veternas at Calvet CV. Married for over 60 years.  
Family makes the world go round.  
An interview with Mrs Toni.


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