The San Diego Union Tribune

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Veterans Portrait Series News

Keep in touch with the news and stories about the Veterans Portrait Series.

The San Diego Union Tribune
The San Diego Union Tribune
I was blessed with another WW2 Veterans Portrait appointment in the studio this one was with Joe Gonzolez and as a bonus, Pam Kragen of the SD Union-Tribune came to do a feature on my project.

It was featured in the Sunday paper in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
I picked up a copy in the rain with Mary Sunday Morning. WOW!!! So cool. 
The story was also picked up and printed on Munday by the Los Angeles Times 

The story was put out on the news-wire and also picked up by Stars and Stripes.
Maybe some friends serving overseas got to see it.

I have been told that the story has been picked up a few more times: 

Here is a list of a few links, I'm grateful the word about the project is getting out:

My Droll

Rally Point


Body Medical

The Daily Advent

Hotels California

Grand Haven Tribune:

Moeara News

Thank you to Pam for keeping the ball rolling for VPS. 

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