Jeanette Sheffer - Mickey Strand - Veterans Series

Mickey Strand - Veterans Series

Vietnam War

Click on Veteran's photo to see their service story. These Warriors served during the Vietnam War


Where can I donate?

I have created a way to accept donations to grow the project, use the WWII Veterans Portrait Series Go Fund Me.

Where are you located?

I live in the San Diego area but have traveled to many locations to interview and photograph Veterans.

How Long is an Appointment?

Appointments usually last an hour. But please free up time for Mickey to set up lights and cameras, hold the interview, and take some still photographers for in the project.

Do you accept reservations?

Yes is the simple answer to the question. Each appointment is set up as an individual session. Group sessions have been set up when I visited a senior living facility or many of the California Veterans Homes.

Born June 1st, 1946, Jeanette Sheffer joined the U.S. Navy after graduation from the University of Iowa in 1968 to become a Navy Nurse. The Navy signed Jeanette up to become a Nurse and helped her finish college when she received a commission as an Ens at the end of her Junior year, helping her fund her last years in school. Jeanette attended an Officer induction course in Newport, RI. before reporting to Saint Albans Naval Hospital, Long Island, New York. At the Naval Hospital, she served in neural surgery and ICU. The hospital primarily handled casualties from the Vietnam War. Commander Sheffer also served in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Camp Lejeune, Argentina, Newfoundland, Cherry Point, and San Diego. Jeanette served for 20 years, retiring at the rank of Commander. Cdr Sheffer met her husband Gregory, a US Marine, while she was at Cherry point Naval Station, and they both received assignments all over the world. They managed a pair of Un-Accompanied tour assignments at the same time in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They were both assigned "away from family" tours but could receive these assignments concurrently through their separate service office detailers. 
Jeanette Sheffer - Mickey Strand - Veterans Series
Born June 1st, 1946, Jeanette Sheffer joined the U.S. Navy after graduation from the University of Iowa in 1968 to become a Navy Nurse. The Navy signed Jeanette up to become a Nurse and helped her finish college when she received a commission as an Ens at the end of her Junior year, helping her fund her last years in school. Jeanette attended an Officer induction course in Newport, RI. before reporting to Saint Albans Naval Hospital, Long Island, New York. At the Naval Hospital, she served in neural surgery and ICU. The hospital primarily handled casualties from the Vietnam War. Commander Sheffer also served in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Bethesda Naval Hospital, Camp Lejeune, Argentina, Newfoundland, Cherry Point, and San Diego. Jeanette served for 20 years, retiring at the rank of Commander. Cdr Sheffer met her husband Gregory, a US Marine, while she was at Cherry point Naval Station, and they both received assignments all over the world. They managed a pair of Un-Accompanied tour assignments at the same time in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. They were both assigned "away from family" tours but could receive these assignments concurrently through their separate service office detailers.